EEAE history goes back in 1954, when for the first time an organization competent to promote peaceful nuclear energy and technology applications, under the name "Greek Atomic Energy Commission” was established in Greece. In 1980's, following the separation from the National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, EEAE was re-established as the competent authority for radiation safety.
The milestones of EEAE history and developments from 1954 until nowadays are presented below:
The presidential decree 101/2018 that transposes to the national legislation the new BSS Directive 2013/59/Euratom is issued.
Anniversary of 30 years for the regulatory role of EEAE based on its re-establishment by the law 1733/1987.
New legislative framework of EEAE, as regulatory authority (Law 4310/2014). Strengthening of EEAE supervisory and regulatory role; EEAE acquires administrative and financial independence and is given the form of public entity.
Recognition of EEAE as Regional Centre for Education and Training in Radiation, Transport and Waste Safety - Long term agreement with IAEA ratified by Law
International peer review (Integrated Regulatory Review Service, IRRS mission) in Greece
National infrastructure and know-how in terms of security has been strengthened both for activities and facilities
Entry into force of the current Radiation Protection Regulations
Delegation of competence for artificially produced non ionizing radiation to EEAE
Reconstitution of ΕΕΑΕ by the Law 1733/1987
Administrative and operational separation of EEAE from the National Center of Scientific Research "Demokritos"
The Nuclear Research Center "Demokritos" starts to operate within the EEAE (having the status of that period).
An organization named as" Greek Atomic Energy Commission" (EEAE) is established with main objective the promotion of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and nuclear technology