EEAE implements an integrated management system based on management by objectives. Our policy is to serve the public interest in accordance with our vision, mission and values, by providing high-quality services and regulatory work.
The integrated management system has been certified according to ISO 9001:2015 standard requirements and incorporates all EEAE functions and accreditations.
The list of EEAE accreditations/certifications includes:
-- accreditation according to ISO/IEC 17025 standard for:
measurements of low-frequency and high-frequency electomagnetic fields,
measurements with whole body dosemeters and extremity dosemeters,
alpha and gamma spectrometry measurements,
radon measurements,
calibrations in radiotherapy, diagnostic radiology, radiation protection, individual monitoring.
-- accreditation as an "inspection body", type A, according to ISO/IEC 17020 standard, in order to perform inspections in radiation facilities and applications (radiology, nuclear medicine, radiotherapy, radiography and industry).
-- certification according to ISO 29993 standard, regarding the scope "Design, development and provision of non-formal education and training in radiation protection and nuclear security".
As a part of its continuous improvement, EEAE aims at the full harmonization of its integrated system management with the internationally established requirements governing regulatory authorities and radiation facilities (IAEA Safety Standards, Leadership and Management for Safety, GSR Part 2). Our main objective is to incorporate safety culture characteristics into our management system.