By visiting and using the website of the Greek Atomic Energy Commission ("EEAE"), you unconditionally accept the terms outlined below, which will apply from your first visit to the EEAE website.
1. The use of the website of the EEAE is subject to Greek law, international rules of law, EU Law and fair practices.
2. All the information contained in the website of the EEAE is made available for informative purposes only and is not for commercial use. The reproduction of such information for personal use, or for further distribution to third-party end users for non-commercial purposes (i.e. to educational institutions, for research, private study or internal distribution within an organization) is permitted, provided that the EEAE is expressly mentioned as the proprietor of the intellectual property rights for such information and as a resource. Graphics and images that appear on the website are protected as intellectual property of the EEAE and by the EEAE's copyright in specific, and no permission is granted for their reproduction, in any way whatsoever, without the consent of the respective responsible party in writing. Any modification or amendment of the materials contained in the website of the EEAE, or any use of such materials for any other purposes, will be prosecuted under criminal law.
3. In case of uploading any materials to the EEAE hub, the following must be observed:
The particulars and the content of any uploads must not offend the creators or users of the website or internet users in general, and must comply with all laws, fair practices and all codes of conduct applicable to internet use.
The visitor must make all efforts to remove any virus, or any other material that may cause harm to the website of the EEAE. The materials uploaded must not be corrupt, either as a result of actions taken by the visitor uploading such materials or by any third party, with the visitor being aware of it.
The materials must not contain any advertisement and must be of educational - informative nature only.
The materials available in the website can be used by the EEAE with no legal obligations of the EEAE to the visitor making such materials available.
4. Sending information through the website of EEAE
When the user sends information to the website of the EEAE by completing an online form either for the submission of a request, or for the provision of a legal service by the EEAE, such information must be true and accurate.
The information that the user provides on any form that is intended for the satisfaction of any of his/her requests, are confidential and may be communicated to third parties, only if this is permitted by law or to any competent authority or authorities, in the event that the use of the website by the visitor does not comply with the website's terms of use or the applicable law.
With respect to the latter point specifically, any communication of personal details to competent authorities may be deemed necessary, in the event that the use of the website of the EEAE by a visitor violates its terms of operation. In such case, all the details of the visitor, including his/her IP address may be part of an investigation.
5. Protection of Personal Data
The processing and the protection of personal data of the users of the EEAE website are governed by national, EU and international laws on personal data processing, as well as by fair practices.
The ΕΕΑΕ makes available electronic forms, through which the user/visitor may provide certain personal data, such as his/her name/surname, his/her employer, his/her email address etc.
The ΕΕΑΕ collects only any personal data that are necessary for the processing of a user/visitor request, for further communications with and the provision of services to the visitor/user, as well as any personal information that it is necessary to collect for the exercise of its official authority vested in it by law.
Such personal data are collected only for the above purposes and are retained only for as long as necessary for the purposes, for which the personal data are processed.
The visitor/user may find more information regarding the processing and the protection of his/her personal data in the Privacy Policy of this website.
The visitor/user of this website may contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) of the EEAE, in order to be informed about the collection and processing of his/her personal data, and in order to exercise his/her rights (such as the right to rectification, right to request the update of his/her data file, right to erasure etc.) The visitor/user may contact
6. Cookie Policy
During navigation in the website of the EEAE, user identification information is collected, using technologies such as cookies and/or IP monitoring.
Cookies are small text files that are sent to the navigation program (browser) from the website used by a visitor.
The use of cookies enables a website to store information regarding users' visits, such as e.g. the preferred language, users' preferences, information regarding safe browsing, the calculation of the number of visitors of a website, or enabling the registration to the EEAE web services.
The user may control or delete cookies at his/her discretion (see The user will have no problem to use the website without cookies, but their deletion/inactivation may affect the functionality and the operation of certain services offered through the website.
The website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service offered by Google Inc. ("Google"). The information collected through cookies for this purpose relates to the location of the users, the duration of website visits, the frequency of visits; it cannot lead to the identification of any individual. Such information is used and analysed only in an aggregated manner, with an aim to understand trends and patterns and no assessment on an individual user level is performed. Such information, including the IP address, is transferred to a Google server located at the U.S. and is stored therein. Google will use such information in order to evaluate the use of the EEAE website, in order to prepare reports regarding the activity within said website and in order to offer services related to the use of the said website and of the internet in general. Google may communicate such information to third parties, to the extent that this is provided by law or where such third parties process such information under Google's instructions. Google will not, under any circumstances, link IP address to any other data of Google. By using the website of the EEAE visitors/users agree to the processing of their personal data collected by Google in the manner and for the purpose outlined above. If they do not wish for Google to receive information from the navigation program when visiting webpages, they may be exempted from Google Analytics by clicking here.
7. Limitation of liability of the EEAE
The goal of the website of the EEAE is the optimal briefing of the visitor/user with accurate and updated data.
The security of the website meets the same standards and the EEAE is making all efforts for the full, technically unimpeded and safe use of its website.
The EEAE does not warrant that the services of this website, and of its webpages, will be offered without interruptions and without errors.
The EEAE does not warrant that this website, or any affiliate websites, or the servers, through which the content is made available to visitors/users are free of viruses or any other harmful components.
The EEAE shall not be responsible for any errors, omissions or any other faults, delays or interruptions to the provision of this website's data, or for any actions that are related to the use of such data, or deriving therefrom.
The EEAE does not warrant and shall not be responsible for the accuracy, correctness, adequacy, completeness or update of the contents of this website.
The visitor may use the data published on the website at his/her own risk and he/she will be directly liable for any direct, indirect or consequential damages caused.
If any errors or omissions are flagged, the EEAE will make its best efforts for their immediate rectification.
The EEAE may proceed to any amendments or improvements, at any given time, without giving prior notice to users.
8. Use of third party webpages
The website of the EEAE may contain links to other web locations. The website of the EEAE does not control, guarantee, or bear any responsibility for the availability, content, operation, privacy policy, quality and adequacy of services provided by such third party websites, to which users may be directed through links, hyperlinks or banners and shall not be liable for them.
9. Applicable law
The terms and conditions for the use of the EEAE website, as well any amendments or changes thereupon, shall be governed by national, EU and international law.
Any provisions of these terms of use, which are in breach of the above laws, shall cease to apply and shall be removed from the website, without such removal affecting the validity of the rest of these terms of use.
10. Contact
In order to contact the EEAE for any matter relating to this website or regarding any relevant issue/request, please send an email to
Last update: 07.09.2020