The Greek Atomic Energy Commission (EEAE) has called for an international closed tender under Ref. No. Δ.β. 271/19/13.01.2010 for the « Procurement of a Co-60 sealed radioactive source (148TBq-4000 Ci), its in situ installation on radiator Head Model C-9-R Teletherapy Head AMS/PICKER HEAD s/n209, which is currently installed at the Laboratory of Ionizing Radiation Instrument Calibration of the Greek Atomic Energy Commission, and the dismantling, transportation and exportation of the existing used radioactive source AMERSHAM TYPE X.4016 CAPSULE, s/n 0558ET with radioactivity 148.5 TBq, 4000 Ci on 29/03/1999», the awarding criterion for which being the underbidding price. Such call was unsuccessful as, during its first stage, no applications of participation interest were submitted. Therefore, EEAE reiterates its call for the said international closed tender.
The budget for the afore-mentioned procurement is foreseen to run into the net amount of 100,000.00 euros, CIF Athens, exclusive of VAT and bank costs.
The Tender Notice has been published in the Supplement of the Official Journal of the European Union (EU/S).
Candidature applications to be submitted with EEAE, by Wednesday the 26th of May, 2010, at 14.00 hours.
Info: Maria Zappa, tel: +30 210 6506806, fax. +30 210 6506748, e-mail:
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