EEAE currently opts for remote inspections, aiming at ensuring the health safety of the people involved and the continuity of the regulatory control. So far, remote inspections have been carried out in 3 cases, namely a hospital in the field of radiotherapy, an industrial facility and a newly authorized undertaking in the field of nuclear medicine. More remote inspections are expected to be conducted in the next months (note: in the year 2020 the total number of remote inspections was 25).
A remote inspection involves live-streamed audio-video interaction between inspectors and the counterparts. From now on remote inspections will be included in the EEAE management system to be used especially in cases that an in-situ inspection is not possible. In this way the entire regulatory control could be carried out electronically, since EEAE already offers the possibility of electronic submission of documents required for the approval applications.
ΕΕΑΕ conducts radiation protection inspections, based on graded approach, in order to verify the compliance with the regulatory requirements. Over the past months, due to health safety restrictions related with Covid-19 pandemic, in situ inspections have been carried out only in extraordinary cases and under appropriate protection measures.