Participation in projects

ΕΕΑΕ participates in research projects, funded by european financial sources (e.g. 7th Framework Programme), mainly in cooperation within european scientific networks. The main research and development projects which are currently in progress or have been completed the last few years are the following:

Scientific-Based Exposure and Risk Assessment of Radiofrequency and mm-Wave Systems from children to elderly (5G and Beyond) - SEAWave, 2022-2025

European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management (EURAD)

Safe Cross - Border Transportation of Hazardous Materials: Orphan Radioactive Sources (STRASS), Interreg-IPA CBC, 2018-2020

Train the trainees - Train the future trainers in radiation protection and nuclear technology, ERASMUS+, 2018-2020

Research capabilities for radiation protection dosimeters (DOSEtrace), EMPIR EURAMET, 2018-2021

Validation and Estimation of Radiation skIn Dose in Interventional Cardiology (VERIDIC), CONCERT-European Joint Programme for the Integration of Radiation Protection Research in Europe, 2018-2020

Personal Online DosImetry Using computational Methods (PODIUM), CONCERT-European Joint Programme for the Integration of Radiation Protection Research- Horizon 2020, 2018-2020

ENhancinG stAkeholder participation in the GovernancE of radiological risks for improved radiation protection and informed decision-making (ENGAGE)" - CONCERT-European Joint Programme for the Integration of Radiation Protection Research- Horizon 2020, 2017-2019 

Assessment of the national system for protection against ionizing and non-ionizing radiation - awareness-raising actions (AVPA), NSRF, 2017-2019

COping with uNcertainties For Improved modelling and DEcision making in Nuclear emergenCiEs (CONFIDENCE), CONCERT-European Joint Programme for the Integration of Radiation Protection Research- Horizon 2020, 2017-2019

Blended learning in radiation protection and radioecology, Erasmus+, 2015-2017

Radiation protection and clinical audits in new diagnostic and therapeutic technologies, GSRT, 2015-2016

Assessment of the radiation dose to population & development of a national information system related to radiation (PRISMA), 2013-2015

European epidemiological study on Radiation-induced Lens Opacities for Interventional Cardiologists (EURALOC), European Commission, FP7 - OPERRA

Innovative integrated tools and platforms for radiological emergency preparedness and post-accident response in Europe - PREPARE, European Commission, FP7 - EURATOM

"Implementation of an RN emergency system in Eastern Mediterranean (IMAGES)", funded by EC, 2012

"Assessment study on radiation and nuclear safety laws and regulations in West Balkan countries", funded by IAEA, 2012

"Study on European Population Doses from Medical Exposure" (Dose Datamed 2), funded by EC, 2011-2013

"Cooperation across Europe for Cd(Zn)Te based security" (COCAE), European Commission, FP7-Security, 2008-2011

"Optimization of Radiation Protection of Medical Staff" (ORAMED), European Commission, FP7 - EURATOM,2008-2011

"Strengthening the Capacity of the Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Regulatory Authority of Cyprus", 06/09/2007 - 31/12/2008

"Strengthening Radiological Protection of Patients and Medical Exposure Control", IAEA, Regional Project RER/9/093,2005-2008.

"Air Pollution Monitoring in Mediterranean Region", IAEA, Regional Project RER/8/009,2005-2008.

"Testing of Implementation of the Code of Practice for Dosimetry in X-Ray Diagnostic Radiology", IAEA, Co-ordinated Research Project.

Operational Programme "Competitiveness", Measure 1.2. National Quality System, Action 1.2.4. Metrology, Action "Expansion of the services of the Greek Institute of Metrology in the field of ionising radiation", funded by GSRT, 2006 -2007. 

Bilateral Program Cyprus-Greece, "Radiological Assessment concerning a fertilizers industry", 2003-2005.

IAEA, Regional Project RER9090 [RER 2006010], "Education and Training in Support of Radiation Protection Infrastructure", 2007-2010.

CONRAD WP7-Radiation protection dosimetry of medical staff, European Commission- FP6, 2004-2007.

CONRAD WP7-Internal Dosimetry, European Commission- FP6, 2004-2007.

"Human Resource Development and Nuclear Technology Support for Upgrading Dosimetry Service in Greece", Technical Cooperation IAEA, Project GRE2005002, 2007-2008.

"Establishment of European Technical Recommendations for Monitoring Individuals Exposed to External Radiation", European Commission, 2007-2009

"Non-ionising radiation: Assessment and evaluation of the exposure of the general population in Greece and Albania and regulatory issues", Common Research and Technology Programmes 2005-2007, bilateral collaboration between Greece and Albania, Operational Programme "Competitiveness", 3rd CSF 2000-2006, Funding body: GSRT, 1/6/2006-31/12/2007.