Presentations in conferences

ΕΕΑΕ personnel participates in national, european and international conferences for training purposes, as well as to present several aspects of its work.The following list includes presentations in conferences (oral or poster presentations) from the year 2010 up today:

  • S.Vogiatzi, I.E.Stamatelatos, G.Nounesis "Shipments of Nuclear Fuel from a Research Reactor" full paper with oral presentation, IAEA, International Conference on the Safe and Secure Transport of Nuclear and Radioactive Materials, Vienna, Austria, 13-17 December 2021 (virtual event)
  • S.Vogiatzi "Revised National Regulations and Guidance for the Transport of Radioactive Material", full paper with oral presentation, IAEA, International Conference on the Safe and Secure Transport of Nuclear and Radioactive Materials, Vienna, Austria, 13-17 December 2021 (virtual event)
  • Hassan Bsat, Sasa Basic, Joseph Cremona, Velibor Cukovic, Safiye Tuba Ecevit, Ahmad Hamdan, Hakim Mazrou, Gordana Nikolova, Zoran Petrovic, Mohamed Ben Rhouma, Zdravka Te?i?, Stavroula Vogiatzi "Transport of radioactive material in the pandemia era - Mediterranean Network (MedNet)" full paper with oral presentation, IAEA, International Conference on the Safe and Secure Transport of Nuclear and Radioactive Materials, Vienna, Austria, 13-17 December 2021 (virtual event)
  • S. Vogiatzi, I.E. Stamatelatos, G. Nounesis, "Safety and Security in Shipment of Spent Nuclear Fuel from a Research Reactor", International Conference on Nuclear Security: Sustaining and Strengthening Efforts, ICONS 2020, 10-14 February 2020, Vienna
  • K. L. Karfopoulos, D. Mitrakos, K. Kehagia, C. Potiriadis, E. Carinou, C. Housiadas, "Challenges and arrangements for the regulatory control of the activities involving NORM within the framework of the transposition of the 2013/59/EURATOM Directive in Greek legislation", 9th International Symposium on Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material, 23-27 September 2019, Denver, Colorado, USA
  • K.L. Karfopoulos, D. Mitrakos, K. Kehagiα, C. Potiriadis, "Initiatives for the enhancement of the regulatory and metrological infrastructures needed to ensure radiation safety in industrial activities involving NORM in TC Europe", 9th International Symposium on Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material, 23-27 September 2019, Denver, Colorado, USA
  • K. Kehagia, D. Xarchoulakos, M. Kolovou, K.L. Karfopoulos, C. Potiriadis, "Environmental monitoring programme around a phosphogypsum disposal area", 9th International Symposium on Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material, 23-27 September 2019, Denver, Colorado, USA
  • V. Tafili, E. Carinou, E. Karabetsos, C. Housiadas, "Exploring societal perception and safety culture of radiation in Greece", RICOMET 2019 - Social Science and Humanities in Ionising Radiation Research, 1-3 July 2019, Barcelona
  • E. Carinou, S. Economides, C. Hourdakis, C. Housiadas, C. Potiriadis, V. Tafili, "Interested parties' involvement in the transposition of the BSS directive: the national experience", RICOMET 2019 - Social Science and Humanities in Ionising Radiation Research, 1-3 July 2019, Barcelona  
  • D.C. Xarchoulakos, N. Kallithrakas-Kontos, K. Kehagia "Preconcentration of uranium from urine on a complexing membrane", 2nd International Conference on Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 6-10 May 2019, Budapest
  • V. Tafili, C. Potiriadis, C. Housiadas "The Management of Uncertainty in Public Communication of the Ru-106 Case", International Symposium on Communicating Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies to the Public, 1-5 October 2018, Vienna
  • V. Tafili, C. Potiriadis, A. Maltezos, D. Mitrakos, C. Housiadas "How effective is the simulation of public communication in emergency exercises? The national experience in the case of the ConvEx-3 exercise", International Symposium on Communicating Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies to the Public, 1-5 October 2018, Vienna 
  • I. Clairand, R. Behrens, M. Brodecki, E. Carinou, J. Domienik-Andrzejewska, M. Ginjaume, O. Hupe, M. Roig "Eye lens dosemeter intercomparison exercise" organized by Eurados, 5th European IRPA Congress, June 2018, The Hague
  • J.Cremona, C.Bajwa, H.Bsat, H.Kamoun, A.Lagumdzija, I.Paiva, J.H.Garcia Alves, S.Radonjic, L.Rossi, S.Zeroual, S.Vogiatzi "Progress in the regional network MedNet" poster presentation, 11th International Conference on the Transport, Storage and Disposal of Radioactive Materials (RAMTRANS 2018), 15-17 May 2018, London
  • D.C. Xarchoulakos, K. Kehagia, "The use of various inorganic acids as shelf deposition solutions and their effect on nickel plates", 18th Radiochemical conference, 13-18 May 2018, Mari?nsk? L?zn?
  • E. Papadomarkaki, P. Askounis, Ch. Kirgiakou, G. Kiranos, M. Roussou, E. Carinou "Challenges In The Radiation Dose Management Of The Medical Staff: 5 years (2012-2016) using a new software tool for the control of doses above the investigation level", International Conference on Radiation Protection in Medicine. Achieving Change in Practice, 11-15 December 2017, Vienna
  • P. Askounis, G. Kyranos, C. Kyrgiakou, E. Papadomarkaki, M. Roussou, Z. Thrapsanioti, E. Carinou, "Retrospective estimation of the eye lens doses for Greek interventional cardiologists", 4th International Symposium on the System of radiological Protection of ICRP - 2nd European Radiation Protection Research Week, 10-12 October 2017, Paris
  • K. Kehagia, E. Dalaka, K. Eleftheriadis, D. C. Xarchoulakos, "Lead and uranium isotopes in Sahara - Dust aerosol observed in Athens by a-spectrometry", 4th International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity in Berlin, 3-8 September 2017 (oral presentation), Germany
  • K. Karfopoulos, S. Economides, E. Carinou, C. Hourdakis "Arrangements for education and training within the framework of the 2013/59/EURATOM Directive transposition in Greek legislation", 6th International Conference on Education and Training in Radiological Protection - ETRAP2017, 30 May - 2 June 2017, Valencia
  • A.Aucyone, M. Othman, M. H. Zulkifli, K. Karfopoulos, B. Narsi, A. Noureddine, Y. Serfor-Armah, R. Shweikani, Α. Timoshchenko, L. Valentino, A. Margetic "Overview on the evaluation and assessment mechanisms for the postgraduate educational course in radiation protection and the safety of radiation sources (PGEC)", 6th International Conference on Education and Training in Radiological Protection - ETRAP2017, 30 May - 2 June 2017, Valencia
  • K. Karfopoulos, A. Petri, K. Veltsos "The development of a distance learning platform to support the blended learning approach for the training activities of the Greek Atomic Energy Commission", 6th International Conference on Education and Training in Radiological Protection - ETRAP2017, 30 May - 2 June 2017, Valencia
  • V. Tafili, E. Carinou, C. Hourdakis, K. Karfopoulos, C. Housiadas "Stakeholder involvement during the European BSS Directive transposition: a national example", 6th International Conference on Education and Training in Radiological Protection - ETRAP2017, 30 May - 2 June 2017, Valencia
  • V. Tafili, K. Karfopoulos "Knowledge management in the field of radiation safety in Greece: the perspective of the radiation safety regulatory authority", 6th International Conference on Education and Training in Radiological Protection - ETRAP2017, 30 May - 2 June 2017, Valencia
  • Vogiatzi, S., et al. "Mediterranean Network (MedNet) - Overview of the regulatory infrastructure for the safe transport of radioactive material", 18th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials, PATRAM 2016, 18-23 September 2016, Kobe, Japan
  • Α. Petri, E. Karabetsos, "Sunbeds' UVR profile & Regulation of the artificial tanning sector in Greece", 7th International Conference on Oxidative Stress in Skin Medicine and Biology, 1- 4 September 2016, Andros
  • G. Gourzoulidis, P. Tsaprouni, N. Skamnakis, C. Tzoumanika, E. Karastergios, A. Gialofas, E. Kalampaliki, A. Achtipis, C. Kappas, T. Maris, E. Karabetsos, "Occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields - The situation in Greece", 1st European Congress of Medical Physics, 1-4 September 2016, Athens
  • S. Tanabasidis, S. Kordolaimi, E. Efstathopoulos, E. Carinou, I. Seimenis, "Determination Of Size Specific Conversion Factors To Effective Dose Using TLD Dosimeters In Anthropomorphic Phantoms", 1st European Congress of Medical Physics, 1-4 September 2016, Athens
  • Α. Petri, E. Karabetsos, "Regulation of the Artificial Tanning Sector in Greece", 1st European Congress of Medical Physics, 1- 4 September 2016, Athens
  • C.J.Hourdakis, S. Vogiatzi, S. Economides, M. Nikolaou, V. Kamenopoulou "Uncertainty estimation of population doses from medical procedures", 1st European Congress of Medical Physics, Athens, Greece, 1-4 September 2016
  • M. Nikolaou , S. Vogiatzi, M. Kalathaki, G. Simantirakis, C. Koukorava, S. Economides, C.J. Hourdakis, V. Kamenopoulou, "Medical Radiation Exposure of the Greek Population", 1st European Congress of Medical Physics, 1-4 September 2016, Athens
  • I. Stathopoulos, A. Ploussi, V. Syrgiamiotis, T. Makri, C. Hatzigiorgi, E. Carinou, G. Sakellaropoulos, G. S. Panayiotakis, E. P. Efstathopoulos, "In Vivo Dosimetry For Head CT Examinations In Paediatric Patients", 1st European Congress of Medical Physics, 1-4 September 2016, Athens
  • E. Carinou, P. Askounis, D. Berus, O.Ciraj-Bjelac, I.Clairand, P. Covens, J.Dabin, J.Domienik, J.Farah, J.Jurewicz, R. Padovani, L. Struelens, "Validation Measurements for the Retrospective Calculation of Eye Lens Doses of Interventional Cardiologists", 1st European Congress of Medical Physics, 1-4 September 2016, Athens
  • S. Vogiatzi, A. Liossis, M. Lamprinakou, C.J.Hourdakis, "Estimation of collective effective dose to the population from nuclear medicine procedures", 5th Balkan Congress & 13th National Congress of Nuclear Medicine (BCNM 2016), Thessaloniki, Greece, 17-20 June 2016
  • M. Nikolaou, S. Vogiatzi, M. Kalathaki, G. Simantirakis, C. Koukorava, S. Economides, C.J.Hourdakis, V. Kamenopoulou "Estimation of the collective effective dose to the Greek population from medical exposures", 5th Balkan Congress & 13th National Congress of Nuclear Medicine (BCNM 2016), Thessaloniki, Greece, 17-20 June 2016
  • G. K. Manousaridis, K. Tsiklakis, P. Gritzalis, E. Yakoumakis, C. J. Hourdakis, "Definition of Diagnostic Reference Levels for dental radiographic examinations in Greece through data from quality control audits of medical radiologic facilities", 15th European Congress of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (ECDMFR), 15-18 June 2016, Cardiff
  • D. C. Xarchoulakos, K. Kehagia and C. Potiriadis "Uranium isotopes in Greek rivers", 1st International Conference on Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (RANC 2016), 10-15 April 2016, Budapest 
  • V. Tafili, V. Kamenopoulou, C. J. Hourdakis, C. Potiriadis, "Stakeholders puzzle:  components, conditions, challenges", Workshop on Management of Contaminated Goods after a nuclear accident, 12-13 November 2015, Paris 
  • V. Tafili, V. Kamenopoulou, C. Hourdakis, C. Potiriadis, "Discussion of national stakeholders on management of contaminated goods", Workshop on Management of Contaminated Goods after a nuclear accident, 12-13 November 2015, Paris  
  • S. Economides, S. Vogiatzi, C.J. Hourdakis, V. Kamenopoulou "Establishment of the national Diagnostic Reference Levels (DRLs) for paediatric patients", European Diagnostic Reference Levels for Paediatric Imaging (PiDRL) Workshop, 15-17 October 2015, Lisbon
  • M. Nikolaki, G. Takoudis and C. Potiriadis, "Natural Radioactivity Determination in Building Materials in Greece", International Conference Environmental Radioactivity, 21-25 September 2015, Thessaloniki
  • K. Kehagia, S. Bratakos, D. Xarchoulakos and C. Potiriadis, "Natural radionuclides in thermal mineral springs in Aidipsos Greece", International Conference Environmental Radioactivity, 21-25 September 2015, Thessaloniki (oral presentation)
  • V. Tafili, E. Carinou, G. Drikos, C. J. Hourdakis, V. Kamenopoulou, E. Karabetsos, G. Karantzia, K. Karfopoulos, C. Potiriadis, C. Housiadas "Integrated approach of communication by a radiation safety regulatory authority", International Conference on Risk perception, communication and ethics of exposures to ionizing radiation (RICOMET 2015), June 15-17, 2015, Slovenia
  • V. Tafili, E. Carinou, E. Karabetsos, C. Housiadas, "Communicating safety culture within the radiation safety regulatory authority", International Conference on Risk perception, communication and ethics of exposures to ionizing radiation (RICOMET 2015), 15-17 June 2015, Slovenia
  • E.Carinou, P. Askounis, C. Koukorava, G. Kyranos, H. Kyrgiakou, E. Nirgianaki, E. Papadomarkaki, V. Kamenopoulou "First attempt to assess the eye lens doses to interventional cardiologists in Greece", International conference on Individual Monitoring of ionizing radiation 2015, April 20-24, 2015, Bruges
  • C. Potiriadis, K. Kehagia, M. Kolovou, M. Nikolaki, D. Xarchoulakos, D. Mitrakos, H. Dalla "Determination of the internal exposure of Greek citizens
    return from Japan immediately after the Fukushima accident", International conference on Individual Monitoring of ionizing radiation 2015, 20-24 April 2015, Bruges
  • I. Clairand, M. Ginjaume, F. Vanhavere, E. Carinou, J. Daures, M. Denoziere, E. Honorio da Silva, S. Principiand, L. Van Rycheghem "First EURADOS intercomparison exercise of eye lens dosemeters for medical applications", International conference on Individual Monitoring of ionizing radiation 2015, 20-24 April 2015, Bruges
  • P. Askounis, E. Carinou, G. Kyranos, C. Kyrgiakou, E. Nirgianaki, E. Papadomarkaki and V. Kamenopoulou "The relationship between the years of experience and the mean annual doses of occupationally exposed workers in the medical field", International conference on Individual Monitoring of ionizing radiation 2015, 20-24 April 2015, Bruges
  • S. Vogiatzi, G. Drikos, A. Liossis, M. Lamprinakou, C. J. Hourdakis, V. Kamenopoulou, "Monitoring Nuclear Medicine operation at national level", 8th European Conference on Medical Physics, 11--13 September 2014, Athens
  • G. Gourzoulidis, E. Karabetsos, Ν. Skamnakis, A. Xristodoulou, C. Kappas, K. Theodorou, T.G. Maris, "The electromagnetic environment of magnetic resonance imaging systems. Occupational exposure reveals RF harmonics", International Conference on BioMedical Instrumentation and related Engineering and Physical Sciences (BIOMEP 2015), 18-20 June 2015, Athens