Euratom Treaty: articles 35 and 36

Verification visit at the National Technical University of Athens (environmental radioactivity monitoring station)

Article 35 of Euratom Treaty provides that each Member State shall establish the installations necessary to carry out continuous monitoring of the level of radioactivity in the air, water and soil and to ensure compliance with the basic safety standards. In other words, it stipulates that the member-states make sure for the establishment of a proper program for the monitoring of the radioactivity levels in the environment. Pursuant to article 36 of the Euratom Treaty, member-states advise the Commission on the results of such monitoring.

EEAE represents Greece before the Committee of Experts, as noted in articles 35 and 36 of the Euratom Treaty.

By applying the environmental radioactivity monitoring program, Greece fully meets the requirements of articles 35 and 36 of the Euratom Treaty, which provide for the monitoring of radioactivity levels in the air, water and soil, as well as for the Commission being informed on the radioactivity levels that the public is exposed to.