Transport of radioactive materials

Radioisotope in a bottle

For over a century, radioactive materials are used on a daily basis and contribute to the improvement of the quality of our lives. Nowadays, the availability of popular products depends on the credible transport of radioactive materials, from their producer to the end user.

In the field of health, radioactive materials are used for diagnosis purposes and for the treatment of diseases, such as cancer, heart conditions and other body malfunctions. 80% of surgical gloves and almost 50% of medical consumables are sterilized by the use of radioactive materials.

In the field of industry, radioactive materials are used for non-destructive controls, supporting the construction and the safety control of vehicles, aircraft, bridges and buildings. Moreover, they are used for the production of plastics, detergents and semiconductors.

Small quantities of radioactive materials are identified in residences and working places, smoke detectors and energy-saving light bulbs. Some food, packages and natural ingredients used in cosmetics and pharmaceutical products are sterilized by the use of radioactive materials.

In the environment, radioactive materials are used for monitoring insects that are responsible for the transmission of diseases. Furthermore, they contribute to the removal of pests from food and other materials.

Every day, thousands of packages of radioactive materials are transported all over the world. In the European Union, the shipments of radioactive materials correspond to the 1% of total dangerous goods transported on a daily basis. The tremendous majority of such shipments refer to materials of low radioactivity concentration. Shipments of irradiated nuclear fuel are also performed.
Safety during the transport of radioactive materials is a top priority. The joint efforts made by producers, logistics agents, end users and competent regulatory-monitoring authorities lead to an exemplary history of safety for more than 50 years. The room for improvement is always reviewed.

The packages for the transport of radioactive materials are designed and approved in compliance with international specifications/requirements, which correspond to the radioactive material allowed to be packaged therein, so as to ensure the protection of the public, the employees and the environment.

All such packages are checked as to their strength under usual transport conditions. In addition, the packages to be used for the transport of highly radioactive materials are designed and checked as to their tolerance in serious accidents, for example impact control in case of targeted drop, drop from up to 9m height - the content, the sealing and the fire-proof have to remain intact after multiple drops.

The common risks entailed in the transport of goods, such as the drop of packages from clarks, are usual incidents met during the transport of radioactive materials. However, accidents may occur too. Given their design, it is extremely rare to put at stake the integrity of a package of highly radioactive materials.

In case of an accident, the procedures for emergency situations, even for prevention purposes are implemented. Such procedures are documented and both the competent authorities and the parties involved have specialized and well-trained personnel.

Terms/requirements governing the transport of radioactive materials
The terms/requirements governing the transport of radioactive materials are specified by the related regulations at international, European and national level. In 1961, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) issued for the first time regulations on the safe transport of radioactive materials. Since then, they have been updated on a regular basis and they form for "Class 7: radioactive materials", the base for the international regulations on the transfer of dangerous goods issued by other United Nations Organizations (International Maritime Organization, International Civil Aviation Organization, Economic Commission for Europe). Indicatively, they refer to:
• maritime transport (IMDG Code)
• air transport (Technical Instructions)
• road transport (ADR)
• rail transport (RID)
• internal floating transports (ADN).

The European Union has issued directives on the internal transport of hazardous goods (road, rail transports, etc) and on the shipments of radioactive waste and nuclear fuel. The directive on internal transports of dangerous goods sets into force the ADR, RID and ADN European agreements.

In Greece, transports of radioactive materials are governed by the Radiation Protection Regulations, which agrees on and supplements, yet without replacing, the aforementioned international regulations and fall under the provisions of the international and community framework. Transports may be performed only upon prior approval by EEAE.
Taking into account that transfers of radioactive materials are cross-border transfers, it is easy to understand the need for the harmonization of regulations and procedures at international level, which - to a great extent - has been already achieved and is unfailingly optimized.
Furthermore, the team work advantages at a regional level - among others, source saving, know-how exchange, common procedures, if possible, transparency and mutual trust, as well as the common issues and the problems have led to the establishment and operation of networks for the transfer of radioactive materials.

The European Association of Competent Authorities for the transfer of radioactive materials is the first network formed and has been successfully operating for a long time. Since late 2013, the Mediterranean Network for the transfer of radioactive materials has been also operating. EEAE participates in the activities of both networks.

Basic provisions for import, export, transit of radioactive materials in Greece

The basic provisions for import, export, transit of radioactive materials in Greece are described in the following lists. 

The end user (hospital, radiographer, commercial sterilization unit etc) is requested to submit to the Greek Atomic Energy Commission (EEAE) the following:

  • Application describing the radioactive sources to be imported (e.g. No of sources, isotope, activity)
  • The ANNEX I document, if the country of origin of the shipment is an EU Member State. For non EU Member States, the Consent Form in case of Category 1 & 2 radioactive sources
  • Accept back letter from the manufacturer abroad (i.e. confirmation that the radioactive source/-s will be taken back after their useful time)
  • End user confirmation about covering the cost of future re-export of the radioactive sources to their manufacturer abroad
  • Date of import
  • Package description and categorization (label, T.I. etc)
  • Certificate for special form (whenever applicable)
  • Certificate for transport package design (whenever applicable)

In case of road transport under Individual Transport License, the end user is additionally requested to submit to EEAE the following:

  • Point of entry in the country (e.g. airport, custom) and route
  • Driver and co-driver contact details and training records (e.g. ADR certificates)
  • Vehicle description, plate No. and labeling
  • Emergency response plan and 24/7 contact information
  • Shipment duration
  • Date of transport

In case of road transport under General or Specific Transport License, the end user is requested to specify the carrier who holds the above-mentioned transport license.

The end user (hospital, radiographer, commercial sterilization unit etc) is requested to submit to the Greek Atomic Energy Commission (EEAE) the following:

  • Application describing the radioactive sources to be exported (e.g. No of sources, isotope, activity)
  • The ANNEX I document, if the country of destination of the shipment is an EU Member State. For non EU Member States, the Consent Form in case of Category 1 & 2 radioactive sources and authorization/import license for the other Categories
  • Date of export
  • Package description and categorization (label, T.I. etc)
  • Certificate for special form (whenever applicable)
  • Certificate for transport package design (whenever applicable)

In case of road transport under Individual Transport License, the end user is additionally requested to submit to EEAE the following:

  • Point of export from the country (e.g. airport, custom) and route till the destination facility abroad
  • Driver and co-driver contact details and training records (e.g. ADR certificates)
  • Vehicle description, plate No. and labeling
  • Emergency response plan and 24/7 contact information
  • Shipment duration
  • Date of transport
  • Transport licenses issued by the CAs of transit countries (whenever applicable)

In case of road transport under General or Specific Transport License, the end user is requested to specify the carrier who holds the above-mentioned transport license.

Transit - Road Transport
The applicant is requested to submit to the Greek Atomic Energy Commission (EEAE) the following:

  • Application describing the radioactive sources (e.g. No of sources, isotope, activity)
  • Certificate for special form (whenever applicable)
  • Certificate for transport package design (whenever applicable)
  • Date & Time of entrance in the country
  • Date & Time of exit from the country
  • Point of entry, route and point of exit
  • Driver and co-driver contact details and training records (e.g. ADR certificates)
  • Vehicle description, plate No. and labeling
  • Emergency response plan and 24/7 contact information
  • Shipment duration
  • Date of transport
  • Export license issued by the CA in the country of origin of the shipment
  • Import license issued by the CA in the country of destination of the shipment

In the relevant transport license, provisions related to police escort, RPO escort, use of ring roads, notification of EEAE in case of any incident during transport, are included.

Transit - Maritime Transport when the ship will approach national port
The applicant is requested to submit to the Greek Atomic Energy Commission (EEAE) the following:

  • Application describing the radioactive sources (e.g. No of sources, isotope, activity)
  • Certificate for special form (whenever applicable)
  • Certificate for transport package design (whenever applicable)
  • IMO Dangerous Goods Declaration
  • Shipper's Declaration
  • Date & Time of entrance in national territorial waters
  • Date & Time of exit from national territorial waters
  • Route in national territorial waters depicted on map
  • Description of cargo to be loaded/unloaded in national port (e.g. conventional cargo, port, dock)
  • Export license issued by the CA in the country of origin of the shipment
  • Import license issued by the CA in the country of destination of the shipment
  • Ship's particulars
  • Shipping papers, describing telecommunication capabilities and DPA officer contact details

In the relevant transport license, provisions related to notification to Joint Rescue Coordination Centre (JRCC) and/or coast guard authorities in case of route deviation and any emergency situation, minimum distance from coastline and other vessels, full cooperation of the vessel master with CAs in case of Port State control inspection, notification of EEAE in case of any incident during transport, are included.