Types of dosemeters

EEAE uses thermoluminescent dosemeters (TLD), which have replaced film-type dosemeters since 2000.

The material used for thermoluminescent dosemeters is lithium fluoride (LiF) for the estimation of a whole body dose (X-ray, gamma radiation, neutrons), as well as for finger and wrist doses.
The lower detection limit is 0.01 mSv. The signal fading is approximately 10% in three months. EEAE has the following dosemeters:

                                                       whole body                                                   
  • whole body dosemeters for gamma or X type radiation. It consists of a transparent casing, a second casing coated with proper filters, an open window, the code number and 1 to 4 pelllets of dosimetric material (LiF), depending on the use. The colour of the dosemeters sent to the workers varies each month, among green, red and black. For the whole body dosemeters the results are given in terms of personal dose equivalent at depths 10 mm and 0.07 mm (Hp(10) and Hp (0.07) respectively).

  neutron dosemeter

  • neutron dosemeters consist of four pellets: two LiF 600 pellets and two LiF 700 pellets. Their external cover includes a cadmium filter and plastic. The results of the neutron dosemeters are given in terms of personal dose equivalent at depth 10 mm (Hp(10)).


  • wrist dosemeters are worn at the wristband and their colour is blue. The results of the wrist dosemeters are given in terms of personal dose equivalent at depth 0.07 mm(Hp(0.07)).


  • ring dosemeters are placed into a special protective casing. There are ring dosemeters for X or gamma fields and ring dosemeters for mixed (beta and gamma) fields. The results of ring dosemeters are given in terms of personal dose equivalent at depth 0.07 mm (Hp(0.07)).


  • eye lens dosemeters consist of an external protective casing and one plastic filter for evaluating the personal dose equivalent at depth 3mm (Hp(3)). It is worn with a special rubber around the head, at the height of eyes.